We live near an active train track. We're close enough to hear the choo-choo sound as it passes by but not close enough to disturb our sleep. It's become a homie sound to my family. At this point, we are used to the monthly encounters where our schedules collide, causing us to sit and wait for what appears to be the "longest train we've ever seen." I often debate turning right to rush ahead, hoping to arrive at the next intersection in time to clear the tracks before the train appears. But I don't chance it. I sit and wait for the train to pass because the possibility of me outrunning it, even at its slow pace, is highly unlikely.
I am, however, astonished by the number of cars I see turning right to find an alternative route, considering the track crosses all westbound intersections. Some drivers see the train and turn instantly. Others wait for a few minutes, then turn. Today, while driving to our son's baseball tournament, the car in front of us waited patiently for the train to pass for nearly thirteen minutes. Then, suddenly, the car took off, squealing its tires as though it sat at the starting line of the Indy 500. Just as the driver curved right, the caboose appeared from behind the trees. She bolted as deliverance was approaching.
It's tempting to try to make something happen when unexpected delays frustrate your plans. You may also question God or even give up on your goals when the question what's the holdup remains unanswered. This waiting season, however, may just be a part of God's plan.
Run to Jesus
Don't give up when delays occur. Run to Jesus. As Jesus was on his way to help Jairus, a synagogue ruler whose daughter was sick, a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years pushed her way through the crowd to reach Jesus. She had spent everything she owned on doctors, all to be told she couldn't be cured. After exhausting all her resources, "giving up" would have been an acceptable choice. But she didn't. Not when Jesus was an option. The bleeding woman thought, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." (Mark 5:27b). And that's precisely what happened. She touched Jesus' cloak, and "Immediately her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering." (5:29).
As you wait for deliverance, run to Jesus. You will find power in His name and spiritual healing in presence.
Stay the Course and Have Faith
Don't turn and look for a different route when delays occur. Stay the course and have faith. Jairus could have returned to his family when Jesus stopped to help the bleeding woman. He could have sent Jesus away after learning they were too late and his daughter had died. But if he did, Jairus would have missed out on the most incredible gift Jesus had waiting for him: healing. "He took her by the hand and said to her, 'Talitha koum!' which means 'Little girl, I say to you, get up!' Immediately the girl stood up and walked around." (Mark 5:41-42). Hold onto the encouraging words Jesus spoke over Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe." (5:36). Jesus is saying the exact words to you, "Don't be afraid; just believe."
As you wait, stay the course and have faith. Trust God's words. Accept His timing. Believe He will accomplish His will in your life. Wait on God, for deliverance is near.
"but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)